Behaviour Close Deliverance Favour Judgment Justice Maintain Ordered Preserve Quickly Revealed Righteousness Rightly Salvation Says Thus Upright

56:1 Thus saith the LORD, {a} Keep ye judgment, and do justice: for my salvation [is] near to come, and my {b} righteousness to be revealed.

(a) God shows what he requires of them after he has delivered them: that is, the works of charity by which true faith is declared.

(b) Which I will declare toward you, and pour into your hearts by my Spirit.

56:1 My salvation - That eminent salvation by the Messiah, and in which, without this you shall have no share. Is near - So the scripture often speaks of things which are at a great distance, as if they were present or at hand, Hab 2:3 James 5:8,9 Rev 22:20. My righteousness - The same thing which he called salvation.

56:1,2 The Lord tells us what are his expectations of duty from us. Be honest and just in all dealings. Also strictly observe the sabbath day. To have the blessing of God upon employments all the week, make conscience of keeping the sabbath holy. Have nothing to do with sin. Blessed is the man that keeps his hand from all things displeasing to God and hurtful to his own soul. Those who, through the Spirit, wait for the hope of righteousness by faith, will be found walking in ways of holy obedience.

Behaviour Close Deliverance Favour Hand Judgment Justice Life Maintain Ordered Preserve Quickly Revealed Right Righteousness Rightly Salvation Soon Upright Way

Behaviour Close Deliverance Favour Hand Judgment Justice Life Maintain Ordered Preserve Quickly Revealed Right Righteousness Rightly Salvation Soon Upright Way