Appalled Appearance Astonied Astonished Beautiful Beyond Changed Desired Disease Disfigured Face Form Human Likeness Longer Marred Peoples Semblance Sons Surprised Unlike Visage

52:14 As many were astonished at thee; his visage was so {o} marred more than any man, and his form more than the sons of men:

(o) In the corrupt judgment of man, Christ in his person was not valued.

52:14 Astonished - At his humiliation. Thee - At thee, O my servant. His form - Christ, in respect of his birth, breeding, and manner of life, was most obscure and contemptible. His countenance also was so marred with frequent watchings, and fastings, and troubles, that he was thought to be near fifty years old when he was but about thirty, John 8:57, and was farther spoiled with buffetings, and crowning with thorns, and other cruel and despiteful usages.

52:13-15 Here begins that wonderful, minute, and faithful description of the office, character, and glory of the Messiah, which has struck conviction to many of the most hardened unbelievers. Christ is Wisdom itself; in the work of our redemption there appeared the wisdom of God in a mystery. Those that saw him, said, Surely never man looked so miserable: never was sorrow like unto his sorrow. But God highly exalted him. That shall be discovered by the gospel of Christ, which could never be told in any other way. And Christ having once shed his blood for sinners, its power still continues. May all opposers see the wisdom of ceasing from their opposition, and be made partakers of the blood of sprinkling, and the baptism of the Holy Ghost; obeying him, and praising his salvation.

Appalled Appearance Astonied Astonished Beautiful Changed Children Desired Disfigured Face Form Human Longer Marred Peoples Semblance Surprised Unlike Visage

Appalled Appearance Astonied Astonished Beautiful Changed Children Desired Disfigured Face Form Human Longer Marred Peoples Semblance Surprised Unlike Visage