Affrighted Afraid Curses Dismayed Ear Evil Fear Hearken Heart Hearts Insults Law Listen Reproach Reviling Revilings Righteousness Taunt Terrified

51:7 Know - That love and practise it.

51:4-8 The gospel of Christ shall be preached and published. How shall we escape if we neglect it? There is no salvation without righteousness. The soul shall, as to this world, vanish like smoke, and the body be thrown by like a worn-out garment. But those whose happiness is in Christ's righteousness and salvation, will have the comfort of it when time and days shall be no more. Clouds darken the sun, but do not stop its course. The believer will enjoy his portion, while revilers of Christ are in darkness

Affrighted Afraid Curses Dismayed Ear Evil Fear Hear Hearken Heart Hearts Insults Law Reproach Reviling Revilings Right Righteousness Taunt Terrified Thought Words

Affrighted Afraid Curses Dismayed Ear Evil Fear Hear Hearken Heart Hearts Insults Law Reproach Reviling Revilings Right Righteousness Taunt Terrified Thought Words