Abhorred Abhorreth Abhors Abominated Arise Bow Cause Chiefs Choose Chooseth Chosen Deeply Despised Despises Despiseth Faith Faithful Hated Holy Israel's Keeps Kings Nation Nations Places Princes Prostrate Redeemer Rise Risen Rulers Sake Says Servant Soul Sport Takes Themselves Thus Worship

49:7 Thus saith the LORD, the Redeemer of Israel, [and] his Holy One, to him whom man despiseth, to him whom the nation abhorreth, to a {i} servant of rulers, Kings shall see and {k} arise, princes also shall worship, because of the LORD that is faithful, [and] the Holy One of Israel, and he shall choose thee.

(i) Meaning, the Jews whom tyrants kept in bondage.

(k) The benefit of their deliverance will be so great, that great and small will acknowledge it, and revere God for it.

49:7 His Holy One - The Holy One of Israel. To him - To Christ, to whom, in the days of his flesh, this description fully agrees: for men, both Jews and Gentiles among whom he lived, did despise him from their hearts; and the nation, of which he was a member, abhorred both his person and his doctrine; and he was so far from being a temporal monarch, that he came in the form of a servant, and was a servant of rulers, professing subjection and paying tribute unto Caesar. Kings - Though for a time thou shalt be despised, yet after a while thou shalt be advanced to such glory, that kings shall look upon thee with reverence. Arise - From their seats to worship thee. Faithful - Because God shall make good his promises to thee. Chuse thee - And although thou shalt be rejected by thine own people, yet God will manifest to the world, that thou, and thou only, art the person whom he hath chosen to be the Redeemer of mankind.

49:7-12 The Father is the Lord, the Redeemer, and Holy One of Israel, as sending the Son to be the Redeemer. Man, whom he came to save, put contempt upon him. To this he submitted for our salvation. He is a pledge for all the blessings of the covenant; in him God was reconciling the world to himself. Pardoning mercy is a release from the curse of the law; renewing grace is a release from the dominion of sin: both are from Christ. He saith to those in darkness, Show yourselves. Not only see, but be seen, to the glory of God, and your own comforts. Though there are difficulties in the way to heaven, yet the grace of God will carry us over them, and make even the mountains a way. This denotes the free invitations and the encouraging promises of the gospel, and the outpouring of the Spirit.

Abhorred Abhorreth Abhors Arise Choose Chosen Despised Despises Despiseth Faithful Holy Israel Kings Nation Nations Princes Prostrate Redeemer Rulers Servant Themselves Worship

Abhorred Abhorreth Abhors Arise Choose Chosen Despised Despises Despiseth Faithful Holy Israel Kings Nation Nations Princes Prostrate Redeemer Rulers Servant Themselves Worship