Cause Consumed Due Emptiness Judgment Justice Labored Laboured Lord's Naught Nevertheless Nothing Nought Power Profit Purpose Recompense Reward Spent Strength Surely Toiled Undergone Vain Vanity Wage Weariness Yet

49:4 Then I said, I have {f} laboured in vain, I have spent my strength for nothing, and in vain: [yet] surely my judgment [is] with the LORD, and my work with my God.

(f) Thus Christ in his members complains that his labour and preaching take no effect, yet he is contented that his doings are approved by God.

49:4 Then said I - Lord, thou sayest thou wilt be glorified by my ministry; but I find it otherwise. In vain - Without any considerable fruit of my word and works among the Israelites. My judgment - My right, the reward which by his promise, and my purchase, is my right.

49:1-6 The great Author of redemption shows the authority for his work. The sword of his word slays the lusts of his people, and all at enmity with them. His sharp arrows wound the conscience; but all these wounds will be healed, when the sinner prays to him for mercy. But even the Redeemer, who spake as never man spake in his personal ministry, often seemed to labour in vain. And if Jacob will not be brought back to God, and Israel will not be gathered, still Christ will be glorious. This promise is in part fulfilled in the calling of the Gentiles. Men perish in darkness. But Christ enlightens men, and so makes them holy and happy.

Cause Due Hand Judgment Justice Labored Naught Nevertheless Nought Profit Purpose Recompense Right Spent Strength Surely Toiled Undergone Vain Vanity Weariness Work

Cause Due Hand Judgment Justice Labored Naught Nevertheless Nought Profit Purpose Recompense Right Spent Strength Surely Toiled Undergone Vain Vanity Weariness Work