Behold Continually Engraved Graven Hands Inscribed Marked Palms Walls

49:16 Behold, I have graven thee upon the palms of [my] {u} hands; thy {x} walls [are] continually before me.

(u) Because I would not forget you.

(x) Meaning, the good order of policy and discipline.

49:16 Graven - He alludes to the common practice of men who put signs upon their hands or fingers of such things as they would remember.

49:13-17 Let there be universal joy, for God will have mercy upon the afflicted, because of his compassion; upon his afflicted, because of his covenant. We have no more reason to question his promise and grace, than we have to question his providence and justice. Be assured that God has a tender affection for his church and people; he would not have them to be discouraged. Some mothers do neglect their children; but God's compassions to his people, infinitely exceed those of the tenderest parents toward their children. His setting them as a mark on his hand, or a seal upon his arm, denotes his being ever mindful of them. As far as we have scriptural evidence that we belong to his ransomed flock, we may be sure that he will never forsake us. Let us then give diligence to make our calling and election sure, and rejoice in the hope and glory of God.

Continually Engraved Graven Hand Hands Inscribed Marked Palms Walls

Continually Engraved Graven Hand Hands Inscribed Marked Palms Walls