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45:4 For Jacob my servant's {f} sake, and Israel my elect, I have even called thee by thy name: I have surnamed thee, though thou hast not known me.

(f) Not for anything that is in you, or for your worthiness.

45:4 I have - I knew, and called thee by thy name, when thou didst neither know nor think of me; nay, when thou hadst no being.

45:1-4 Cyrus is called God's anointed; he was designed and qualified for his great service by the counsel of God. The gates of Babylon which led to the river, were left open the night that Cyrus marched his army into the empty channel. The Lord went before him, giving entrance to the cities he besieged. He gave him also treasures, which had been hidden in secret places. The true God was to Cyrus an unknown God; yet God foreknew him; he called him by his name. The exact fulfilment of this must have shown Cyrus that Jehovah was the only true God, and that it was for the sake of Israel that he was prospered. In all the changes of states and kingdoms, God works out the good of his church.

Bestow Chosen Elect Honor Honour Israel Jacob Sake Servant Servant's Summon Surname Surnamed Title

Bestow Chosen Elect Honor Honour Israel Jacob Sake Servant Servant's Summon Surname Surnamed Title