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45:21 Take counsel - To maintain the cause of their idols. This - This great work, Babylon's destruction, and the redemption of God's people.

45:20-25 The nations are exhorted to draw near to Jehovah. None besides is able to help; he is the Saviour, who can save without the assistance of any, but without whom none can save. If the heart is brought into the obedience of Christ, the knee will cheerfully obey his commands. To Christ men shall come from every nation for blessings; all that hate his cause shall be put to shame, and all believers shall rejoice in him as their Friend and Portion. All must come to him: may we now come to him as the Lord our Righteousness, walking according to his commandments.

Ancient Besides Counsel Declare Declared Forth Savior Shown Time Together

Ancient Besides Counsel Declare Declared Forth Savior Shown Time Together