Acting Attention Bedaubed Can't Closed Comprehend Consider Daubed Discern Heart Hearts Minds Nothing Plastered Seeing Shut Smeared Understand Understood Veil Wisdom Wisely

44:18 They have not known nor understood: {y} for he hath shut their eyes, that they cannot see; [and] their hearts, that they cannot understand.

(y) The prophet gives here an answer to all them who wonder how it is possible that any would be so blind as to commit such abomination, saying that God has blinded their eyes, and hardened their hearts.

44:18 Not known - This shews that they have not the understanding of a man. For he - God. Not as if God did make men wicked; he only permits them so to be, and orders, and over - rules their wickedness to his own glorious ends.

44:9-20 Image-making is described, to expose the folly of idolaters. Though a man had used part of a log for fuel, he fell down before an image made of the remainder, praying it to deliver him. Man greatly dishonours God, when he represents him after the image of man. Satan blinds the eyes of unbelievers, causing absurd reasonings in matters of religion. Whether men seek happiness in worldly things, or run into unbelief, superstition, or any false system, they feed on ashes. A heart deceived by pride, love of sin, and departure from God, turns men aside from his holy truth and worship. While the affections are depraved, a man holds fast the lie as his best treasure. Are our hearts set upon the wealth of the world and its pleasures? They will certainly prove a lie. If we trust to outward professions and doings, as if those would save us, we deceive ourselves. Self-suspicion is the first step towards self-deliverance. He that would deliver his soul, must question his conscience, Is there not a lie in my right hand?

Acting Comprehend Consider Daubed Discern Eyes Heart Hearts Minds Plastered Shut Smeared Understand Understood Veil Wisdom Wisely

Acting Comprehend Consider Daubed Discern Eyes Heart Hearts Minds Plastered Shut Smeared Understand Understood Veil Wisdom Wisely