Birds Bittern Chaos Confusion Cormorant Desolation Dwell Edom Emptiness Hawk Hedgehog Hedge-hog Heritage Line Measured Measuring Nest Nobles Owl Pelican Plumb Plummet Plummets Porcupine Possess Raven Screech Stones Stretch Stretched Therein Vacancy Waste Weight
34:11 But the cormorant {k} and the bittern shall possess it; the owl also and the raven shall dwell in it: and he shall stretch out upon it the line of {l} confusion, and the stones of emptiness.
(k) Read Isa 13:21, Zep 2:14.
(l) In vain will any man go about to build it again.
34:11 Dwell - It shall be entirely possessed by those creatures which delight in deserts and waste places. Stretch - He shall use the line, or the stone or plummet joined to it, not to build them, but to mark them out to destruction, as workmen commonly use them to mark what they are to pull down.
34:9-17 Those who aim to ruin the church, can never do that, but will ruin themselves. What dismal changes sin can make! It turns a fruitful land into barrenness, a crowded city into a wilderness. Let us compare all we discover in the book of the Lord, with the dealings of providence around us, that we may be more diligent in seeking the kingdom of God and his righteousness. What the mouth of the Lord has commanded, his Spirit will perform. And let us observe how the evidences of the truth continually increase, as one prophecy after another is fulfilled, until these awful scenes bring in more happy days. As Israel was a figure of the Christian church, so the Edomites, their bitter enemies, represent the enemies of the kingdom of Christ. God's Jerusalem may be laid in ruins for a time, but the enemies of the church shall be desolate for ever.
Birds Bittern Chaos Confusion Cormorant Desert Desolation Dwell Edom Emptiness Great Hawk Hedgehog Heritage Line Measured Nest Nobles Owl Pelican Plumb Plummet Porcupine Possess Raven Screech Stones Stretch Stretched Therein Waste Weight
Birds Bittern Chaos Confusion Cormorant Desert Desolation Dwell Edom Emptiness Great Hawk Hedgehog Heritage Line Measured Nest Nobles Owl Pelican Plumb Plummet Porcupine Possess Raven Screech Stones Stretch Stretched Therein Waste Weight