Accepting TRUE Blamelessly Blood Bloodshed Bribe Bribes Contemplating Death Despises Despiseth Ear Ears Evil Evil- Extortion Gain Gestures Gives Hands Hearing Hold Holding Keeps Kicking Lest Murder Oppressions Plots Profits Putting Refusing Rejects Rewards Righteously Seeing Shakes Shaketh Shaking Shut Shuts Shutteth Shutting Sincerity Speaketh Speaking Speaks Stoppeth Stopping Stops Taking Unjust Upright Uprightly Walketh Walking Walks

33:15 He - Who is just in all his dealings. From hearing - Who will not hearken to any counsels, tending to shed innocent blood. From seeing - That abhors the very sight of sin committed by others, and guards his eyes from beholding occasions of sin.

33:15-24 The true believer watches against all occasions of sin. The Divine power will keep him safe, and his faith in that power will keep him easy. He shall want nothing needful for him. Every blessing of salvation is freely bestowed on all that ask with humble, believing prayer; and the believer is safe in time and for ever. Those that walk uprightly shall not only have bread given, and their water sure, but they shall, by faith, see the King of kings in his beauty, the beauty of holiness. The remembrance of the terror they were in, shall add to the pleasure of their deliverance. It is desirable to be quiet in our own houses, but much more so to be quiet in God's house; and in every age Christ will have a seed to serve him. Jerusalem had no large river running by it, but the presence and power of God make up all wants. We have all in God, all we need, or can desire. By faith we take Christ for our Prince and Saviour; he reigns over his redeemed people. All that refuse to have Him to reign over them, make shipwreck of their souls. Sickness is taken away in mercy, when the fruit of it is the taking away of sin. If iniquity be taken away, we have little reason to complain of outward affliction. This last verse leads our thoughts, not only to the most glorious state of the gospel church on earth, but to heaven, where no sickness or trouble can enter. He that blotteth out our transgressions, will heal our souls.

Blamelessly Blood Bribe Bribes Despises Despiseth Ears Evil Extortion Eyes Gain Hands Hearing Holding Keeps Oppressions Refusing Rejects Right Righteously Shaketh Shuts Sincerity Speaketh Speaks Stoppeth Stops Unjust Uprightly Walketh Walks

Blamelessly Blood Bribe Bribes Despises Despiseth Ears Evil Extortion Eyes Gain Hands Hearing Holding Keeps Oppressions Refusing Rejects Right Righteously Shaketh Shuts Sincerity Speaketh Speaks Stoppeth Stops Unjust Uprightly Walketh Walks