Abundant Apart Attire Choice Clothes Clothing Covering Dedicated Durable Dwell Earnings Eat Excellent Fair Fill Fine Gain Gift Goods Harlot's Hire Hoarded Holiness Holy Kept Laid Lasting Lord's Merchandise Needs Presence Produce Profit Profits Satiety Sitting Stately Stored Sufficed Sufficient Sufficiently Supply Trade Treasured Wages

23:18 And her merchandise and her hire shall be {z} holiness to the LORD: it shall not be treasured nor laid up; for her merchandise shall be for them that dwell before the LORD, for sufficient food and for durable clothing.

(z) He shows that God yet by the preaching of the gospel will call Tyre to repentance and turn her heart from evil and filthy gain, to the true worshipping of God, and liberality toward his saints.

23:18 Holiness - This is a prophecy concerning the conversion of the Tyrians to the true religion. Laid up - Either out of covetousness, or for their pride and luxury, as they formerly did; but now they shall freely lay it out upon pious and charitable uses. Shall be - For the support and encouragement of the ministers of holy things, who shall teach the good knowledge of the Lord. Although this does not exclude, but rather imply their liberality in contributing to the necessities of all Christians.

23:15-18 The desolations of Tyre were not to be for ever. The Lord will visit Tyre in mercy. But when set at liberty, she will use her old arts of temptation. The love of worldly wealth is spiritual idolatry; and covetousness is spiritual idolatry. This directs those that have wealth, to use it in the service of God. When we abide with God in our worldly callings, when we do all in our power to further the gospel, then our merchandise and hire are holiness to the Lord, if we look to his glory. Christians should carry on business as God's servants, and use riches as his stewards.

Abundant Apart Choice Clothes Clothing Dedicated Durable Dwell Earnings Eat Fill Food Gain Goods Harlot's Hire Hoarded Holiness Holy Kept Laid Merchandise Needs Produce Profit Profits Stately Stored Sufficient Sufficiently Supply Trade Treasured Wages

Abundant Apart Choice Clothes Clothing Dedicated Durable Dwell Earnings Eat Fill Food Gain Goods Harlot's Hire Hoarded Holiness Holy Kept Laid Merchandise Needs Produce Profit Profits Stately Stored Sufficient Sufficiently Supply Trade Treasured Wages