Forgotten Harlot Harp Hast Instrument Loose Mayest Melody Memory Men's Minds Multiply Music O Play Pluck Prostitute Remembered Round Sing Skillfully Song Songs Strings Sweet Town Walk

23:16 Take an harp, go about the city, thou harlot that hast been forgotten; {x} make sweet melody, sing many songs, that thou mayest be remembered.

(x) She will labour by all means to recover her first credit, as a harlot when she is long forgotten, seeks by all means to entertain her lovers.

23:16 Go about - As harlots use to do. Thou harlot - So he calls Tyre, because she enticed the merchants to deal with her by various artifices, and even by dishonest practices, and because of the great and general uncleanness which was committed in it.

23:15-18 The desolations of Tyre were not to be for ever. The Lord will visit Tyre in mercy. But when set at liberty, she will use her old arts of temptation. The love of worldly wealth is spiritual idolatry; and covetousness is spiritual idolatry. This directs those that have wealth, to use it in the service of God. When we abide with God in our worldly callings, when we do all in our power to further the gospel, then our merchandise and hire are holiness to the Lord, if we look to his glory. Christians should carry on business as God's servants, and use riches as his stewards.

City Forgotten Harlot Harp Instrument Loose Mayest Melody Memory Minds Music Play Pluck Prostitute Remembered Round Sing Skillfully Songs Strings Sweet Walk

City Forgotten Harlot Harp Instrument Loose Mayest Melody Memory Minds Music Play Pluck Prostitute Remembered Round Sing Skillfully Songs Strings Sweet Walk