Burden Calleth Calling Calls Dumah Edom Keeps Oracle Seir Se'ir Someone Voice Watchman

21:11 The burden of {o} Dumah. He calleth to me out of {p} Seir, Watchman, what of the night? Watchman, what of the night?

(o) Which was a city of the Ishmaelites and was so named by Dumah, Ge 25:14.

(p) A mountain of the Idumeans.

21:11 Dumah - Of Edom or Idumea. He - The people of Dumah, one of them in the name and by the appointment of the rest. Me - To the watchman: the prophet delivers his prophecy in the form of a dialogue between the people and the watchman. Seir - Out of Edom, which is frequently called Seir. Watchman - The watchman of Edom, whom they had set as people use to do in times of great danger. Night - The people are supposed to come to him very early in the morning, to enquire what had happened in the night; which shews a state of great perplexity and fear. Night - The repetition of the words, shew the greatness of their solicitude.

21:11,12 God's prophets and ministers are as watchmen in the city in a time of peace, to see that all is safe. As watchmen in the camp in time of war, to warn of the motions of the enemy. After a long sleep in sin and security, it is time to rise, to awake out of sleep. We have a great deal of work to do, a long journey to go; it is time to be stirring. After a long dark night is there any hope of the day dawning? What tidings of the night? What happens to-night? We must never be secure. But many make curious inquiries of the watchmen. They would willingly have nice questions solved, or difficult prophecies interpreted; but they do not seek into the state of their own souls, about the way of salvation, and the path of duty. The watchman answers by way of prophecy. There comes first a morning of light, and peace, and opportunity; but afterward comes a night of trouble and calamity. If there be a morning of youth and health, there will come a night of sickness and old age; if a morning of prosperity in the family, in the public, yet we must look for changes. It is our wisdom to improve the present morning, in preparation for the night that is coming after it. Inquire, return, come. We are urged to do it quickly, for there is no time to trifle. Those that return and come to God, will find they have a great deal of work to do, and but little time to do it in.

Burden Calls Dumah Edom Far Keeps Night Oracle Seir Se'ir Someone Voice Watchman Word

Burden Calls Dumah Edom Far Keeps Night Oracle Seir Se'ir Someone Voice Watchman Word