Along Banks Bare Blow Brink Brook Brooks Bulrushes Dried Driven Dry Edge Exposed Field Fields Grass-lands Meadows Mosses Mouth Nile Paper Paper-reeds Parched Places Planted Reeds River Sown Wind Wither Withered

19:7 The paper reeds by the brooks, by the {g} mouth of the brooks, and every thing sown by the brooks, shall wither, be driven away, and be no [more].

(g) The Hebrew word is mouth, by which they mean the spring out of which the water gushes as out of a mouth.

19:7 Paper - reeds - These by a needle, or other fit instrument, were divided into thin and broad leaves, which being dried and fitted, were used at that time for writing; and consequently was a very good commodity. By brooks - And much more what was sown in more dry and unfruitful places.

19:1-17 God shall come into Egypt with his judgments. He will raise up the causes of their destruction from among themselves. When ungodly men escape danger, they are apt to think themselves secure; but evil pursues sinners, and will speedily overtake them, except they repent. The Egyptians will be given over into the hand of one who shall rule them with rigour, as was shortly after fulfilled. The Egyptians were renowned for wisdom and science; yet the Lord would give them up to their own perverse schemes, and to quarrel, till their land would be brought by their contests to become an object of contempt and pity. He renders sinners afraid of those whom they have despised and oppressed; and the Lord of hosts will make the workers of iniquity a terror to themselves, and to each other; and every object around a terror to them.

Brink Brooks Dried Driven Dry Edge End Exposed Field Fields Grass-Lands Meadows Mouth Nile Paper Parched Planted Plants Reeds River Sown Wind Wither

Brink Brooks Dried Driven Dry Edge End Exposed Field Fields Grass-Lands Meadows Mouth Nile Paper Parched Planted Plants Reeds River Sown Wind Wither