Afflicted Builder Established Founded Messengers Nation Poor Refuge Representatives Safe Seek Trust Zion

14:32 What shall [one] then answer the {y} messengers of the nation? That the LORD hath founded {z} Zion, and the poor of his people shall trust in it.

(y) Who will come to enquire of the state of the Church.

(z) They will answer that the Lord defends his Church and those that join themselves to it.

14:32 What - What shall a Jew say to the people of other nations, who shall enquire concerning the state of Zion, when not only the Philistines, but even the Jews themselves, shall fall by the hands of the same enemy? That - They shall give them this answer, That although Zion at present be in a very distressed condition, yet she stands upon a firm foundation, and God who first founded her, will restore her, and his poor despised people shall resort to her, as to a strong refuge.

14:28-32 Assurance is given of the destruction of the Philistines and their power, by famine and war. Hezekiah would be more terrible to them than Uzziah had been. Instead of rejoicing, there would be lamentation, for the whole land would be ruined. Such destruction will come upon the proud and rebellious, but the Lord founded Zion for a refuge to poor sinners, who flee from the wrath to come, and trust in his mercy through Christ Jesus. Let us tell all around of our comforts and security, and exhort them to seek the same refuge and salvation.

Afflicted Builder Envoys Established Find Founded Messengers Nation Poor Refuge Representatives Safe Seek Trust Zion

Afflicted Builder Envoys Established Find Founded Messengers Nation Poor Refuge Representatives Safe Seek Trust Zion