Annul Armies Disannul Effect Frustrate Hosts Planned Purpose Purposed Stop Stretched Stretched-out Thwart Turn Void

14:24-27 Let those that make themselves a yoke and a burden to God's people, see what they are to expect. Let those that are the called according to God's purpose, comfort themselves, that whatever God has purposed, it shall stand. The Lord of hosts has purposed to break the Assyrian's yoke; his hand is stretched out to execute this purpose; who has power to turn it back? By such dispensations of providence, the Almighty shows in the most convincing manner, that sin is hateful in his sight.

Almighty Annul Armies Disannul Effect Frustrate Hand Hosts Planned Purpose Purposed Stop Stretched Stretched-Out Thwart Turn Turned Void

Almighty Annul Armies Disannul Effect Frustrate Hand Hosts Planned Purpose Purposed Stop Stretched Stretched-Out Thwart Turn Turned Void