Discerning Fall Falling Intelligent Knoweth Prudent Realize Rebellious Righteous Sense Sinners Straight Stumble Therein Transgressors Understand Upright Walk Wise

14:9 Who [is] {h} wise, and he shall understand these [things]? prudent, and he shall know them? for the ways of the LORD [are] right, and the just shall walk in them: but the transgressors shall fall therein.

(h) Signifying that the true wisdom and knowledge consists in this, even to rest upon God.

14:9 Shall understand - Which the prophet has delivered. The ways - The ways which he would have us walk in towards him, his law, his ordinances, his whole doctrine are all righteous and equal. And the ways wherein God walks towards us, in afflicting or comforting are all righteous and equal. Shall walk in them - Will approve them all, justifying the righteousness of God's displeasure, and confessing he remembereth mercy in the midst of judgment. And justifying the righteousness of his precepts by endeavouring to observe them. The transgressors - Wilful, obstinate sinners, stumble and are offended at his commands, but more at his judgments; they cast off the one, and vainly hope to shift off the other, 'till at last they fall under the weight of their own sins and God's wrath.

14:9 Who profit by the truths the prophet delivered? Such as set themselves to understand and know these things. The ways of God's providence towards us are right; all is well done. Christ is a Foundation Stone to some, to others a Stone of stumbling, and a Rock of offence. That which was ordained to life, becomes, through their abuse of it, death to them. The same sun softens wax and hardens clay. But those transgressors certainly have the most dangerous, fatal falls, who fall in the ways of God, who split on the Rock of Ages, and suck poison out of the Balm of Gilead. Let sinners in Zion fear this. May we learn to walk in the right ways of God, as his righteous servants, and may none of us be disobedient and unbelieving, and stumble at the word.

Discerning Fall Good Prudent Realize Rebellious Right Righteous Sense Sinners Straight Stumble Therein Transgressors Understand Upright Walk Ways Wise

Discerning Fall Good Prudent Realize Rebellious Right Righteous Sense Sinners Straight Stumble Therein Transgressors Understand Upright Walk Ways Wise