Acknowledge Beside Besides Egypt Except Hast None Save Savior Saviour Yet

13:4 Yet I [am] the LORD thy God {e} from the land of Egypt, and thou shalt know no god but me: for [there is] no saviour beside me.

(e) He calls them to repentance, and reproves their ingratitude.

13:4 Thou shalt know - I forbad thee to know any other God but me, in gratitude thou shouldest know no other.

13:1-8 While Ephraim kept up a holy fear of God, and worshipped Him in that fear, so long he was very considerable. When Ephraim forsook God, and followed idolatry, he sunk. Let the men that sacrifice kiss the calves, in token of their adoration of them, affection for them, and obedience to them; but the Lord will not give his glory to another, and therefore all that worship images shall be confounded. No solid, lasting comfort, is to be expected any where but in God. God not only took care of the Israelites in the wilderness, he put them in possession of Canaan, a good land; but worldly prosperity, when it feeds men's pride, makes them forgetful of God. Therefore the Lord would meet them in just vengeance, as the most terrible beast that inhabited their forests. Abused goodness calls for greater severity.

Acknowledge Besides Egypt Except Save Savior Saviour

Acknowledge Besides Egypt Except Save Savior Saviour