Acts Age-during Blemish Blood Certainly Christ Clean Cleanse Conscience Consciences Dead Death Eternal Ever-living Free Hearts Holy Lead Lifeless Offer Offered Offering Purge Purify Rather Servants Serve Sin Spirit Spot Spotless Strengthened Unblemished Works Worship

9:14 How much more shall the blood of Christ, who through the eternal Spirit offered himself without spot to God, purge your conscience from {l} dead works to serve the living God?

(l) From sins which proceed from death, and bring forth nothing but death.

9:14 How much more shall the blood of Christ. If the blood of animals had any efficacy to purify, how much more the blood of Christ?

Who through the eternal Spirit. Led by the Divine Spirit.

Offered himself without spot to God. He was dragged to the sacrifice like the victims, but laid down his own life to take it up again (Joh 10:15,17). This he did as God's Anointed, anointed with the Spirit, acting by its power.

Purge your conscience from dead works. Cleanse it from the guilt of works which deserve death.

To serve the living God? If the sacrifices of the tabernacle cleansed from ceremonial pollution so that men could engage in its service, will not the blood of Christ cleanse you so that you can join in the acceptable service of the living God?

9:14 How much more shall the blood of Christ. - The merit of all his sufferings. Who through the eternal Spirit - The work of redemption being the work of the whole Trinity. Neither is the Second Person alone concerned even in the amazing condescension that was needful to complete it. The Father delivers up the kingdom to the Son; and the Holy Ghost becomes the gift of the Messiah, being, as it were, sent according to his good pleasure. Offered himself - Infinitely more precious than any created victim, and that without spot to God. Purge our conscience - Our inmost soul. From dead works - From all the inward and outward works of the devil, which spring from spiritual death in the soul, and lead to death everlasting. To serve the living God - In the life of faith, in perfect love and spotless holiness.

9:11-14 All good things past, present, and to come, were and are founded upon the priestly office of Christ, and come to us from thence. Our High Priest entered into heaven once for all, and has obtained eternal redemption. The Holy Ghost further signified and showed that the Old Testament sacrifices only freed the outward man from ceremonial uncleanness, and fitted him for some outward privileges. What gave such power to the blood of Christ? It was Christ's offering himself without any sinful stain in his nature or life. This cleanses the most guilty conscience from dead, or deadly, works to serve the living God; from sinful works, such as pollute the soul, as dead bodies did the persons of the Jews who touched them; while the grace that seals pardon, new-creates the polluted soul. Nothing more destroys the faith of the gospel, than by any means to weaken the direct power of the blood of Christ. The depth of the mystery of the sacrifice of Christ, we cannot dive into, the height we cannot comprehend. We cannot search out the greatness of it, or the wisdom, the love, the grace that is in it. But in considering the sacrifice of Christ, faith finds life, food, and refreshment.

Acts Blemish Blood Christ Cleanse Conscience Consciences Dead Eternal Free Holy Lifeless Offered Offering Purge Purify Serve Sin Spirit Spot Strengthened Works

Acts Blemish Blood Christ Cleanse Conscience Consciences Dead Eternal Free Holy Lifeless Offered Offering Purge Purify Serve Sin Spirit Spot Strengthened Works