Acted Brethren Brothers Buy Canaan Clear Discerneth Disguised Harshly Joseph Maketh Pretended Recognized Replied Roughly Sharp Spake Speaketh Spoke Strange Stranger Strangers Talking Treated Whence

42:7 And Joseph saw his brethren, and he knew them, but {c} made himself strange unto them, and spake roughly unto them; and he said unto them, Whence come ye? And they said, From the land of Canaan to buy food.

(c) This concealing is not to be followed, nor any actions of the father's not approved by God's word.

42:7 We may well wonder that Joseph, during the twenty years he had been in Egypt, especially during the last seven years that he had been in power there, never sent to his father to acquaint him with his circumstances; nay, 'tis strange that he who so oft went throughout all the land of Egypt, never made a step to Canaan, to visit his aged father. When he was in the borders of Egypt that lay next to Canaan, perhaps it would not have been above three or four days journey for him in his chariot. 'Tis a probable conjecture, that his whole management of himself in this affair was by special direction from heaven, that the purpose of God, concerning Jacob and his family, might be accomplished. When Joseph's brethren came, he knew them by many a good token, but they knew not him, little thinking to find him there.

42:7-20 Joseph was hard upon his brethren, not from a spirit of revenge, but to bring them to repentance. Not seeing his brother Benjamin, he suspected that they had made away with him, and he gave them occasion to speak of their father and brother. God, in his providence, sometimes seems harsh with those he loves, and speaks roughly to those for whom yet he has great mercy in store. Joseph settled at last, that one of them should be left, and the rest go home and fetch Benjamin. It was a very encouraging word he said to them, I fear God; as if he had said, You may be assured I will do you no wrong; I dare not, for I know there is one higher than I. With those that fear God, we may expect fair dealing.

Acted Buy Canaan Clear Discerneth Disguised Food Harshly Joseph Maketh Pretended Recognized Roughly Soon Speaketh Strange Stranger Strangers Talking Whence

Acted Buy Canaan Clear Discerneth Disguised Food Harshly Joseph Maketh Pretended Recognized Roughly Soon Speaketh Strange Stranger Strangers Talking Whence