Asenath As'enath Asnath Calleth Daughter Egypt Forth Giveth Joseph Joseph's Marriage Named Pharaoh Potiphera Poti'phera Poti-phera Potipherah Poti-pherah Priest Throughout Wife Zaphenath-paneah Zaph'enath-pane'ah Zaphnathpaaneah Zaphnath-paaneah

41:33-45 Joseph gave good advice to Pharaoh. Fair warning should always be followed by good counsel. God has in his word told us of a day of trial before us, when we shall need all the grace we can have. Now, therefore, provide accordingly. Pharaoh gave Joseph an honourable testimony. He is a man in whom the spirit of God is; and such men ought to be valued. Pharaoh puts upon Joseph marks of honour. He gave him such a name as spoke the value he had for him, Zaphnath-paaneah, a revealer of secrets. This preferment of Joseph encourages all to trust in God. Some translate Joseph's new name, the saviour of the world. The brightest glories, even of the upper world, are put upon Christ, the highest trust lodged in his hand, and all power given him, both in heaven and earth.

Ah Asenath As'enath Asnath Daughter Egypt Joseph Joseph's Marriage Pharaoh Potiphera Poti-Phera Potipherah Poti-Pherah Priest Throughout Wife

Ah Asenath As'enath Asnath Daughter Egypt Joseph Joseph's Marriage Pharaoh Potiphera Poti-Phera Potipherah Poti-Pherah Priest Throughout Wife