Brother Brother-in-law Brother-in-law's Brother's Duty Fulfil Fulfill Husband's Judah Lie Marry Offspring Onan Perform Produce Raise Seed Wife

38:8 And Judah said unto Onan, Go in unto thy brother's wife, and marry her, and raise {c} up seed to thy brother.

(c) This order was for the preservation of the stock, since the child begotten by the second brother would have the name and inheritance of the first: a practice which is abolished in the New Testament.

38:1-30 The profligate conduct of Judah and his family. - This chapter gives an account of Judah and his family, and such an account it is, that it seems a wonder that of all Jacob's sons, our Lord should spring out of Judah, Heb 7:14. But God will show that his choice is of grace and not of merit, and that Christ came into the world to save sinners, even the chief. Also, that the worthiness of Christ is of himself, and not from his ancestors. How little reason had the Jews, who were so called from this Judah, to boast as they did, Joh 8:41. What awful examples the Lord proclaims in his punishments, of his utter displeasure at sin! Let us seek grace from God to avoid every appearance of sin. And let that state of humbleness to which Jesus submitted, when he came to put away sin by the sacrifice of himself, in appointing such characters as those here recorded, to be his ancestors, endear the Redeemer to our hearts.

Brother-In-Law Brother's Duty Fulfil Fulfill Husband's Judah Marry Offspring Onan Perform Produce Raise Right Seed Wife

Brother-In-Law Brother's Duty Fulfil Fulfill Husband's Judah Marry Offspring Onan Perform Produce Raise Right Seed Wife