Arba Arbah Foreigners Hebron Home Isaac Jacob Kiriath Kiriatharba Kiriath-arba Kir'iath-ar'ba Kirjath-arba Mamre Sojourned Stayed

35:27 And Jacob came unto Isaac his father - We may suppose he had visited him before since his return, for he sore longed after his father's house, but never 'till now brought his family to settle with him, or near him. Probably he did this now upon the death of Rebekah, by which Isaac was left solitary.

35:21-29 What a sore affliction Reuben's sin was, is shown, and Israel heard it. No more is said, but that is enough. Reuben thought that his father would never hear of it; but those that promise themselves secrecy in sin, are generally disappointed. The age and death of Isaac are recorded, though he died not till after Joseph was sold into Egypt. Isaac lived about forty years after he had made his will, chap. 27:2. We shall not die an hour the sooner, but much the better, for timely setting our hearts and houses in order. Particular notice is taken of the agreement of Esau and Jacob at their father's funeral, to show how God had wonderfully changed Esau's mind. It is awful to behold relations, sometimes for a little of this world's goods, disputing over the graves of their friends, while they are near going to the grave themselves.

Abraham Arba City Foreigners Hebron Home Isaac Jacob Kiriath Kiriatharba Kiriath-Arba Kir'iath-Ar'ba Kirjath-Arba Mamre Sojourned

Abraham Arba City Foreigners Hebron Home Isaac Jacob Kiriath Kiriatharba Kiriath-Arba Kir'iath-Ar'ba Kirjath-Arba Mamre Sojourned