Ahead Brother Edom Esau Face Field Fields Front Jacob Messengers Seir Se'ir Servants Towards

32:1-8 The angels of God appeared to Jacob, to encourage him with the assurance of the Divine protection. When God designs his people for great trials, he prepares them by great comforts. While Jacob, to whom the promise belonged, had been in hard service, Esau was become a prince. Jacob sent a message, showing that he did not insist upon the birth-right. Yielding pacifies great offences, Ec 10:4. We must not refuse to speak respectfully, even to those unjustly angry with us. Jacob received an account of Esau's warlike preparations against him, and was greatly afraid. A lively sense of danger, and quickening fear arising from it, may be found united with humble confidence in God's power and promise.

Ahead Country Edom Esau Face Field Fields Front Jacob Messengers Seir Se'ir Servants Towards

Ahead Country Edom Esau Face Field Fields Front Jacob Messengers Seir Se'ir Servants Towards