Crossed Eleven Ford Got Handmaids Jabbok Maids Maidservants Maid-servants Passage Passed Passeth Riseth River Rose Servant-women Sons Taketh Taking Wives Womenservants Women-servants

32:9-23 Times of fear should be times of prayer: whatever causes fear, should drive us to our knees, to our God. Jacob had lately seen his guards of angels, but in this distress he applied to God, not to them; he knew they were his fellow-servants, Re 22:9. There cannot be a better pattern for true prayer than this. Here is a thankful acknowledgement of former undeserved favours; a humble confession of unworthiness; a plain statement of his fears and distress; a full reference of the whole affair to the Lord, and resting all his hopes on him. The best we can say to God in prayer, is what he has said to us. Thus he made the name of the Lord his strong tower, and could not but be safe. Jacob's fear did not make him sink into despair, nor did his prayer make him presume upon God's mercy, without the use of means. God answers prayers by teaching us to order our affairs aright. To pacify Esau, Jacob sent him a present. We must not despair of reconciling ourselves to those most angry against us.

Children Crossed Eleven Ford Handmaids Jabbok Jacob Maids Maidservants Night Passage Passed Passeth Riseth River Rose Servant-Women Wives Womenservants Women-Servants

Children Crossed Eleven Ford Handmaids Jabbok Jacob Maids Maidservants Night Passage Passed Passeth Riseth River Rose Servant-Women Wives Womenservants Women-Servants