Cheat Conducted Covertly Deceive Deceivest Declared Didn't Flee Flight Giving Harp Harps Hast Hidden Joy Lyre Melody Mirth Music Outwit Secret Secretly Singing Songs Steal Tabret Tambour Tambourine Tambourines Thyself Timbrel Wherefore

31:27 I might have sent thee away with mirth and with songs, with tabret and with harp - Not as Rebekah was sent away out of the same family above one hundred and twenty years before, with prayers and blessings, but with sport and merriment; which was a sign that religion was much decayed in the family.

31:22-35 God can put a bridle in the mouth of wicked men, to restrain their malice, though he do not change their hearts. Though they have no love to God's people, they will pretend to it, and try to make a merit of necessity. Foolish Laban! to call those things his gods which could be stolen! Enemies may steal our goods, but not our God. Here Laban lays to Jacob's charge things that he knew not. Those who commit their cause to God, are not forbidden to plead it themselves with meekness and fear. When we read of Rachel's stealing her father's images, what a scene of iniquity opens! The family of Nahor, who left the idolatrous Chaldees; is this family itself become idolatrous? It is even so. The truth seems to be, that they were like some in after-times, who sware by the Lord and by Malcham, Zep 1:5; and like others in our times, who wish to serve both God and mammon. Great numbers will acknowledge the true God in words, but their hearts and houses are the abodes of spiritual idolatry. When a man gives himself up to covetousness, like Laban, the world is his god; and he has only to reside among gross idolaters in order to become one, or at least a favourer of their abominations.

Cheat Conducted Covertly Deceive Flee Flight Harp Hidden Joy Lyre Melody Mirth Music Outwit Run Secret Secretly Singing Songs Steal Tabret Tambour Tambourine Tambourines Thyself Timbrel Wherefore Word

Cheat Conducted Covertly Deceive Flee Flight Harp Hidden Joy Lyre Melody Mirth Music Outwit Run Secret Secretly Singing Songs Steal Tabret Tambour Tambourine Tambourines Thyself Timbrel Wherefore Word