Afterward Afterwards Bare Birth Bore Born Calleth Daughter Dinah Named

30:21 Mention is made, of Dinah, because of the following story concerning her, Ge 34:1 - 16, and c. Perhaps Jacob had other daughters, though not registered.

30:14-24 The desire, good in itself, but often too great and irregular, of being the mother of the promised Seed, with the honour of having many children, and the reproach of being barren, were causes of this unbecoming contest between the sisters. The truth appears to be, that they were influenced by the promises of God to Abraham; whose posterity were promised the richest blessings, and from whom the Messiah was to descend.

Afterward Afterwards Bare Birth Bore Born Daughter Dinah Later Time

Afterward Afterwards Bare Birth Bore Born Daughter Dinah Later Time