Dig Digged Discovered Dug Flowing Fresh Holes Isaac's Servants Spring Springing Valley

26:18-25 Isaac met with much opposition in digging wells. Two were called Contention and Hatred. See the nature of worldly things; they make quarrels, and are occasions of strife; and what is often the lot of the most quiet and peaceable; those who avoid striving, yet cannot avoid being striven with. And what a mercy it is to have plenty of water; to have it without striving for it! The more common this mercy is, the more reason to be thankful for it. At length Isaac digged a well, for which they strove not. Those that study to be quiet, seldom fail of being so. When men are false and unkind, still God is faithful and gracious; and his time to show himself so is, when we are most disappointed by men. The same night that Isaac came weary and uneasy to Beer-sheba, God brought comforts to his soul. Those may remove with comfort who are sure of God's presence.

Dig Digged Discovered Dug Find Flowing Found Fresh Holes Isaac's Servants Spring Springing Valley Water

Dig Digged Discovered Dug Find Flowing Found Fresh Holes Isaac's Servants Spring Springing Valley Water