Abram's Argument Canaanite Canaanites Cattle Dwelled Dwelling Dwelt Feeding Herdmen Herdsmen Keepers Livestock Lot Lot's Perizzite Perizzites Per'izzites Strife

13:7 And there was a strife between the herdmen of Abram's cattle and the herdmen of Lot's cattle: and the {d} Canaanite and the Perizzite dwelled then in the land.

(d) Who seeing their contention, might blaspheme God and destroy them.

13:7 And the Canaanite and the Perizzite dwelled in the land - This made the quarrel, Very dangerous; if Abram and Lot cannot agree to feed their flocks together, it is well if the common enemy do not come upon them and plunder them both. Very scandalous: No doubt the eyes of all the neighbours were upon them, because of the singularity of their religion, and the extraordinary sanctity they professed; and notice would soon be taken of this quarrel, and improvement made of it to their reproach by the Canaanites and Perizzites.

13:5-9 Riches not only afford matter for strife, and are the things most commonly striven about; but they also stir up a spirit of contention, by making people proud and covetous. Mine and thine are the great make-bates of the world. Poverty and labour, wants and wanderings, could not separate Abram and Lot; but riches did so. Bad servants often make a great deal of mischief in families and among neighbours, by their pride and passion, lying, slandering, and talebearing. What made the quarrel worse was, that the Canaanite and the Perizzite dwelt then in the land. The quarrels of professors are the reproach of religion, and give occasion to the enemies of the Lord to blaspheme. It is best to keep the peace, that it be not broken; but the next best is, if differences do happen, with all speed to quench the fire that is broken out. The attempt to stay this strife was made by Abram, although he was the elder and the greater man. Abram shows himself to be a man of cool spirit, that had the command of his passion, and knew how to turn away wrath by a soft answer. Those that would keep the peace, must never render railing for railing. And of a condescending spirit; he was willing to beseech even his inferior to be at peace. Whatever others are for, the people of God must be for peace. Abram's plea for peace was very powerful. Let the people of the land contend about trifles; but let not us fall out, who know better things, and look for a better country. Professors of religion should be most careful to avoid contention. Many profess to be for peace who will do nothing towards it: not so Abram. When God condescends to beseech us to be reconciled, we may well beseech one another. Though God had promised Abram to give this land to his seed, yet he offered an equal or better share to Lot, who had not an equal right; and he will not, under the protection of God's promise, act hardly to his kinsman. It is noble to be willing to yield for peace' sake.

Abram's Argument Canaanite Canaanites Cattle Dwelled Dwelling Dwelt Feeding Herdmen Herdsmen Livestock Perizzite Perizzites Per'izzites Quarreling Strife Time

Abram's Argument Canaanite Canaanites Cattle Dwelled Dwelling Dwelt Feeding Herdmen Herdsmen Livestock Perizzite Perizzites Per'izzites Quarreling Strife Time