Attain Beginning Begun Complete Completed Effort Ending External Flesh Foolish Goal Human Perfect Perfected Perfection Reach Senseless Spirit Start Thoughtless Trying

3:3 {2} Are ye so foolish? having begun in the Spirit, are ye now made perfect by the {d} flesh?

(2) The fourth argument mixed with the former, and it is twofold. If the Law is to be joined with faith, this were not to go forward, but backward, seeing that those spiritual gifts which were bestowed upon you are more excellent than any that could proceed from yourselves. And moreover, it would follow, that the Law is better than Christ, because it would perfect and bring complete that which Christ alone began.

(d) By the flesh he means the ceremonies of the Law, against which he sets the Spirit, that is, the spiritual working of the Gospel.

3:3 Having begun in the Spirit, are ye now made perfect by the flesh? They had begun with a spiritual religion, and received the Spirit. Did they expect to be made perfect by the fleshly ordinances of the law?

3:3 Are ye so thoughtless - As not to consider what you have yourselves experienced? Having begun in the Spirit - Having set out under the light and power of the Spirit by faith, do ye now, when ye ought to be more spiritual, and more acquainted with the power of faith, expect to be made perfect by the flesh? Do you think to complete either your justification or sanctification, by giving up that faith, and depending on the law, which is a gross and carnal thing when opposed to the gospel?

3:1-5 Several things made the folly of the Galatian Christians worse. They had the doctrine of the cross preached, and the Lord's supper administered among them, in both which Christ crucified, and the nature of his sufferings, had been fully and clearly set forth. Had they been made partakers of the Holy Spirit, by the ministration of the law, or on account of any works done by them in obedience thereto? Was it not by their hearing and embracing the doctrine of faith in Christ alone for justification? Which of these had God owned with tokens of his favour and acceptance? It was not by the first, but the last. And those must be very unwise, who suffer themselves to be turned away from the ministry and doctrine which have been blessed to their spiritual advantage. Alas, that men should turn from the all-important doctrine of Christ crucified, to listen to useless distinctions, mere moral preaching, or wild fancies! The god of this world, by various men and means, has blinded men's eyes, lest they should learn to trust in a crucified Saviour. We may boldly demand where the fruits of the Holy Spirit are most evidently brought forth? whether among those who preach justification by the works of the law, or those who preach the doctrine of faith? Assuredly among the latter.

Attain Beginning Begun Complete Completed Effort End Ending External Flesh Foolish Goal Human Perfect Perfected Perfection Reach Senseless Spirit Start Thoughtless Trying

Attain Beginning Begun Complete Completed Effort End Ending External Flesh Foolish Goal Human Perfect Perfected Perfection Reach Senseless Spirit Start Thoughtless Trying