Abominations Ammonite Ammonites Amorite Amorites Approached Canaanite Canaanites Captains Completed Completion Detestable Disgusting Drawn Drew Egyptian Egyptians Heads Hittite Hittites Including Jebusite Jebusites Jeb'usites Kept Lands Levites Moabite Moabites Neighboring Nigh Officials Peoples Perizzite Perizzites Per'izzites Practices Priests Princes Saying Separate Separated Themselves

9:1 Now when these things were done, the princes came to me, saying, The people of Israel, and the priests, and the Levites, have not {a} separated themselves from the people of the lands, [doing] according to their abominations, [even] of the Canaanites, the Hittites, the Perizzites, the Jebusites, the Ammonites, the Moabites, the Egyptians, and the Amorites.

(a) From the time they came home under Zerubbabel until the coming of Ezra, they had degenerated contrary to the law of God, and married where it was not lawful, De 7:3.

9:1-4 Many corruptions lurk out of the view of the most careful rulers. Some of the people disobeyed the express command of God, which forbade all marriages with the heathen, De 7. Disbelief of God's all-sufficiency, is at the bottom of the sorry shifts we make to help ourselves. They exposed themselves and their children to the peril of idolatry, that had ruined their church and nation. Carnal professors may make light of such connexions, and try to explain away the exhortations to be separate; but those who are best acquainted with the word of God, will treat the subject in another manner. They must forebode the worst from such unions. The evils excused, and even pleaded for; by many professors, astonish and cause regret in the true believer. All who profess to be God's people, ought to strengthen those that appear and act against vice and profaneness.

Abominations Ammonites Amorites Canaanites Drew Egyptians Hittites Israel Jebusites Levites Moabites Peoples Perizzites Priests Princes Separated Themselves

Abominations Ammonites Amorites Canaanites Drew Egyptians Hittites Israel Jebusites Levites Moabites Peoples Perizzites Priests Princes Separated Themselves