Descendant Haggai Iddo Jerusalem Jews Judah Preaching Prophesied Prophesy Prophet Prophets Zechariah Zechari'ah

5:1 The son - His grand - child; for he was the son of Baraciah. Prophesied - Commanding them from God to return to building the temple, with a promise of his favour and assistance.

5:1,2 The building of the temple was stopped about fifteen years. Then they had two good ministers, who urged them to go on with the work. It is a sign that God has mercy in store for a people, when he raises up prophets to be helpers in the way and work of God, as guides, overseers, and rulers. In Haggai, we see what great things God does by his word, which he magnifies above all his name, and by his Spirit working with it.

Descendant Haggai Iddo Israel Jerusalem Jews Judah Preaching Prophesied Prophesy Prophet Prophets Zechariah Zechari'ah

Descendant Haggai Iddo Israel Jerusalem Jews Judah Preaching Prophesied Prophesy Prophet Prophets Zechariah Zechari'ah