Ami Hattil Hazzebaim Pochereth Pochereth-hazzebaim Po'chereth-hazzeba'im Pokereth-hazzebaim Shephatiah Shephati'ah Sons Zebaim

2:36-63 Those who undervalue their relation to the Lord in times of reproach, persecution, or distress, will have no benefit from it when it becomes honourable or profitable. Those who have no evidence that they are, by the new birth, spiritual priests unto God, through Jesus Christ, have no right to the comforts and privileges of Christians.

Children ebaim Hattil Hazzebaim Pochereth Pochereth-Hazzebaim Po'chereth-Hazzeba'im Pokereth-Hazzebaim Shephatiah Shephati'ah Zebaim

Children ebaim Hattil Hazzebaim Pochereth Pochereth-Hazzebaim Po'chereth-Hazzeba'im Pokereth-Hazzebaim Shephatiah Shephati'ah Zebaim