Assembled Assembly Bitterly Casting Confessed Confessing Confession Congregation Crowd Ezra Ezra's Falling Gathered Israelites Large Making Multiplying Prayed Prayer Praying Prostrating Round Sore Statement Throwing Weeping Wept Women Wrongdoing

10:1 Now when Ezra had prayed, and when he had {a} confessed, weeping and casting himself down before the house of God, there assembled unto him out of Israel a very great congregation of men and women and children: for the people wept very sore.

(a) He confessed his sins, and the sins of the people.

10:1 There assembled - The account of his grief, and publick expressions thereof in the court before the temple, being in an instant dispersed over all the city, brought a great company together. See what an happy influence the example of great ones may have upon their inferiors!

10:1-5 Shechaniah owned the national guilt. The case is sad, but it is not desperate; the disease threatening, but not incurable. Now that the people begin to lament, a spirit of repentance seems to be poured out; now there is hope that God will forgive, and have mercy. The sin that rightly troubles us, shall not ruin us. In melancholy times we must observe what makes for us, as well as against us. And there may be good hopes through grace, even where there is the sense of great guilt before God. The case is plain; what has been done amiss, must be undone again as far as possible; nothing less than this is true repentance. Sin must be put away, with a resolution never to have any thing more to do with it. What has been unjustly got, must be restored. Arise, be of good courage. Weeping, in this case, is good, but reforming is better. As to being unequally yoked with unbelievers, such marriages, it is certain, are sinful, and ought not to be made; but now they are not null, as they were before the gospel did away the separation between Jews and Gentiles.

Assembled Assembly Casting Children Confessed Confession Congregation Ezra Gathered Great House Israel Prayed Sore Together Weeping Wept Women

Assembled Assembly Casting Children Confessed Confession Congregation Ezra Gathered Great House Israel Prayed Sore Together Weeping Wept Women