Behold Bringing Case Clothed Command Commanded Hast Inkhorn Ink-horn Inkpot Kit Linen Loins Matter Orders Reported Saying Writing

9:5-11 The slaughter must begin at the sanctuary, that all may see and know that the Lord hates sin most in those nearest to him. He who was appointed to protect, reported the matter. Christ is faithful to the trust reposed in him. Is he commanded by his Father to secure eternal life to the chosen remnant? He says, Of all that thou hast given me, I have lost none. If others perish, and we are saved, we must ascribe the difference wholly to the mercy of our God, for we too have deserved wrath. Let us still continue to plead in behalf of others. But where the Lord shows no mercy he does no injustice; he only recompenses men's ways.

Case Clothed Command Commanded Inkhorn Ink-Horn Kit Linen Matter Orders Reported Side Word Writing

Case Clothed Command Commanded Inkhorn Ink-Horn Kit Linen Matter Orders Reported Side Word Writing