Baldness Clothed Cover Covered Covering Covers Deep Faces Fear Gird Girded Hair Haircloth Heads Horror Overwhelm Round Sackcloth Shame Shaved Shuddering Terror Themselves Trembling

7:18 Baldness - Either by pulling off the hair amidst their sorrows, or cutting it off in token of mourning.

7:16-22 Sooner or later, sin will cause sorrow; and those who will not repent of their sin, may justly be left to pine away in it. There are many whose wealth is their snare and ruin; and the gaining the world is the losing of their souls. Riches profit not in the day of wrath. The wealth of this world has not that in it which will answer the desires of the soul, or be any satisfaction to it in a day of distress. God's temple shall stand them in no stead. Those are unworthy to be honoured with the form of godliness, who will not be governed by its power.

Baldness Clothed Cover Covered Covering Covers Deep Faces Fear Gird Girded Hair Haircloth Heads Horror Overwhelm Round Sackcloth Shame Shaved Shuddering Terror Themselves Trembling

Baldness Clothed Cover Covered Covering Covers Deep Faces Fear Gird Girded Hair Haircloth Heads Horror Overwhelm Round Sackcloth Shame Shaved Shuddering Terror Themselves Trembling