Base Basement Bases Chambers Cubits Elevation Floor Forming Foundation Foundations Full Fulness Height Hight Joining Joint Length Measured Platform Raised Reed Rod Rooms Round Side-chambers Side-rooms Six Stone Temple

41:8 The foundations - The lowest chamber had properly a foundation laid on the earth, but the floor of the middle, and highest story must be accounted here a foundation; so from the ground to the ceiling of the first room, was six great cubits; from the first to the second, six great cubits; and from the third floor to the roof of the chamber, a like number; to which add we one cubit for thickness of each of the three floors, you have twenty - one cubits for height, ten yards and a half high.

41:1-26 After the prophet had observed the courts, he was brought to the temple. If we attend to instructions in the plainer parts of religion, and profit by them, we shall be led further into an acquaintance with the mysteries of the kingdom of heaven.

Base Bases Chambers Cubits Elevation Floor Forming Foundation Foundations Full Great Height High Hight House Joining Joint Measured Platform Raised Reed Rod Rooms Round Side Side-Chambers Six Stone Temple

Base Bases Chambers Cubits Elevation Floor Forming Foundation Foundations Full Great Height High Hight House Joining Joint Measured Platform Raised Reed Rod Rooms Round Side Side-Chambers Six Stone Temple