Amount Ascended Ascending Breadth Broad Broader Built Chamber Chambers Continued Corresponding Encompassed Encompassing Enlargement Enlarging Floor Higher Highest Increased Increasing Inlets Led Level Lower Lowest Middle Midst Offset Rooms Rose Round Row Side-chambers Side-rooms Sides Space Stages Stairway Steps Story Structure Successive Surrounding Temple Thus Turning Upper Upward Upwards Wall Widened Wider Width Winding Wound

41:7 An enlarging - Of the side chambers, so much of breadth added to the chamber, as was taken from the thickness of the wall; that is, two cubits in the uppermost, and one cubit in the middle - most, more than in the lowest chambers. A winding about - Winding stairs, which enlarged as the rooms did, and these run up between each two chambers from the bottom to the top; so there were two doors at the head of each pair of stairs, one door opening into one chamber, and the other into the opposite chamber. For the winding about - These stairs, as they rose in height, enlarged themselves too. Round about - On all sides of the house where these chambers were. The breadth - Of each chamber. Increased - Grew broader by one cubit in every upper chamber. From five in the lowest to six in the middle, and to seven in the highest chamber.

41:1-26 After the prophet had observed the courts, he was brought to the temple. If we attend to instructions in the plainer parts of religion, and profit by them, we shall be led further into an acquaintance with the mysteries of the kingdom of heaven.

Breadth Broader Chamber Chambers Continued Encompassed Encompassing Higher Highest House Increased Lowest Middle Midst Round Second Side Side-Chambers Sides Stages Story Structure Successive Surrounding Temple Upward Way Wider Width Winding Wound

Breadth Broader Chamber Chambers Continued Encompassed Encompassing Higher Highest House Increased Lowest Middle Midst Round Second Side Side-Chambers Sides Stages Story Structure Successive Surrounding Temple Upward Way Wider Width Winding Wound