Careful David Decrees Follow Guided Judgments Keeper Laws Observe Orders Ordinances Rules Servant Shepherd Statutes Walk

37:24 David - The son of David. One shepherd - This king shall be their one chief shepherd, others that feed and rule the flock, are so by commission from him.

37:15-28 This emblem was to show the people, that the Lord would unite Judah and Israel. Christ is the true David, Israel's King of old; and those whom he makes willing in the day of his power, he makes to walk in his judgments, and to keep his statutes. Events yet to come will further explain this prophecy. Nothing has more hindered the success of the gospel than divisions. Let us study to keep the unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace; let us seek for Divine grace to keep us from detestable things; and let us pray that all nations may be obedient and happy subjects of the Son of David, that the Lord may be our God, and we may be his people for evermore.

Careful David Decrees Follow Guided Judgments Keeper Laws Observe Orders Ordinances Rules Servant Shepherd Statutes Walk

Careful David Decrees Follow Guided Judgments Keeper Laws Observe Orders Ordinances Rules Servant Shepherd Statutes Walk