Actions Acts Conduct Deeds Defile Defiled Doings Dwelling Dwelt Impurity Kept Monthly Removed Separate Separated Separation Sight Unclean Uncleanness Woman's

36:17 By their doings - By their carriage, and whole conversation. As the uncleanness - Or as one cut off from the congregation, because of some great sin.

36:16-24 The restoration of that people, being typical of our redemption by Christ, shows that the end aimed at in our salvation is the glory of God. The sin of a people defiles their land; renders it abominable to God, and uncomfortable to themselves. God's holy name is his great name; his holiness is his greatness, nor does any thing else make a man truly great.

Actions Acts Children Conduct Deeds Defile Defiled Doings Dwelling Dwelt House Impurity Israel Kept Monthly Removed Separated Separation Time Unclean Uncleanness Way Ways Woman's

Actions Acts Children Conduct Deeds Defile Defiled Doings Dwelling Dwelt House Impurity Israel Kept Monthly Removed Separated Separation Time Unclean Uncleanness Way Ways Woman's