Behold Chebar Face Facedown Fall Fell Forth Glory Got Honour Kebar Plain Resting Rise River Standing Stood Valley

3:23 Then I arose, and went forth into the plain: and, behold, the {n} glory of the LORD stood there, as the glory which I saw by the river of Chebar: and I fell on my face.

(n) Meaning, the vision of the cherubims and the wheels.

3:23 As the glory - We are not now to expect such visions. But we have a favour done us nothing inferior, if we by faith behold the glory of the Lord, so as to be changed into the same image. And this honour have all his saints.

3:22-27 Let us own ourselves for ever indebted to the mediation of Christ, for the blessed intercourse between God and man; and a true believer will say, I am never less alone than when thus alone. When the Lord opened Ezekiel's mouth, he was to deliver his message boldly, to place life and death, the blessing and the curse, before the people, and leave them to their choice.

Chebar Face Fall Fell Forth Glory Honour Kebar Plain Resting Rise River Standing Stood Valley

Chebar Face Fall Fell Forth Glory Honour Kebar Plain Resting Rise River Standing Stood Valley