Afraid Amazed Appalled Astonished Coastlands Convulsed Countenance Distorted Face Faces Fear Full Horribly Horror Inhabitants Islands Isles Kings Overcome Sea-lands Shudder Sore Terribly Troubled Wonder

27:35 Troubled - They shall not be able to conceal the discomposure of their mind, but will shew it in their countenance.

27:26-36 The most mighty and magnificent kingdoms and states, sooner or later, come down. Those who make creatures their confidence, and rest their hopes upon them, will fall with them: happy are those who have the God of Jacob for their Help, and whose hope is in the Lord their God, who lives for ever. Those who engage in trade should learn to conduct their business according to God's word. Those who possess wealth should remember they are the Lord's stewards, and should use his goods in doing good to all. Let us seek first the kingdom of God and his righteousness.

Afraid Appalled Astonished Coastlands Convulsed Countenance Distorted Face Faces Fear Full Horribly Horror Inhabitants Islands Isles Kings Live Overcome Sea-Lands Shudder Sore Terribly Troubled Wonder

Afraid Appalled Astonished Coastlands Convulsed Countenance Distorted Face Faces Fear Full Horribly Horror Inhabitants Islands Isles Kings Live Overcome Sea-Lands Shudder Sore Terribly Troubled Wonder