Appalled Aside Astonied Astonished Broidered Clothe Clothed Clothing Coast Embroidered Fear Garments Grief Ground Lay Minute Moment Needlework Overcome Princes Remove Richly Robes Rulers Seats Shaking Sit Step Strip Terror Themselves Thrones Tremble Trembled Trembling Wonder Woven

26:16 Then all the princes of the {g} sea shall come down from their thrones, and lay away their robes, and put off their embroidered garments: they shall clothe themselves with trembling; they shall sit upon the ground, and shall tremble at [every] moment, and be astonished at thee.

(g) The governors and rulers of other countries that dwell by the sea: by which he signifies that her destruction would be so horrible that all the world would hear of it and be afraid.

26:16 The princes - Who were lords of the islands of that sea. Come down - In token of condolence. Trembling - They shall be afraid of their own concerns, and astonished in the midst of their fears.

26:15-21 See how high, how great Tyre had been. See how low Tyre is made. The fall of others should awaken us out of security. Every discovery of the fulfilment of a Scripture prophecy, is like a miracle to confirm our faith. All that is earthly is vanity and vexation. Those who now have the most established prosperity, will soon be out of sight and forgotten.

Astonished Broidered Clothe Embroidered Garments Ground Lay Moment Princes Richly Robes Sea Sit Strip Themselves Thrones Tremble Trembling Woven

Astonished Broidered Clothe Embroidered Garments Ground Lay Moment Princes Richly Robes Sea Sit Strip Themselves Thrones Tremble Trembling Woven