Becomes Bottom Brass Bronze Burn Burned Burning Cause Coals Completely Consumed Copper Deposit Empty Filth Filthiness Glow Glows Heated Hot Impurities Impurity Melted Midst Molten Pot Rust Scum Soft Stand Thereof Till Unclean Uncleanness Waste

24:11 The filthiness - A type of the unreformed sinfulness of the city. Molten - That their wickedness may be taken away with their persons, and city.

24:1-14 The pot on the fire represented Jerusalem besieged by the Chaldeans: all orders and ranks were within the walls, prepared as a prey for the enemy. They ought to have put away their transgressions, as the scum, which rises by the heat of the fire, is taken from the top of the pot. But they grew worse, and their miseries increased. Jerusalem was to be levelled with the ground. The time appointed for the punishment of wicked men may seem to come slowly, but it will come surely. It is sad to think how many there are, on whom ordinances and providences are all lost.

Bottom Brass Bronze Burn Burned Cause Coals Completely Consumed Copper Deposit Empty Filth Filthiness Glow Heated Hot Impurities Impurity Melted Molten Pot Rust Scum Soft Stand Thereof Unclean Waste

Bottom Brass Bronze Burn Burned Cause Coals Completely Consumed Copper Deposit Empty Filth Filthiness Glow Heated Hot Impurities Impurity Melted Molten Pot Rust Scum Soft Stand Thereof Unclean Waste