Blow Blown Breathing Collect Fiery Fire Gather Heaped Inside Melted Midst Soft Thereof Therof Wrath Yea Yes

22:17-22 Israel, compared with other nations, had been as the gold and silver compared with baser metals. But they were now as the refuse that is consumed in the furnace, or thrown away when the silver is refined. Sinners, especially backsliding professors, are, in God's account, useless and fit for nothing. When God brings his own people into the furnace, he sits by them as the refiner by his gold, to see that they are not continued there any longer than is fitting and needful. The dross shall be wholly separated, and the good metal purified. Let those who suffer pains, or lingering sickness, and find that their hearts can scarcely bear these light and momentary afflictions, take warning to flee from the wrath to come; for if these trials are not sanctified by the power of the Holy Spirit, to the cleansing their hearts and hands from sin, far worse things will come upon them.

Blow Blown Breathing Collect Fiery Fire Gather Heaped Inside Melted Midst Soft Thereof Wrath

Blow Blown Breathing Collect Fiery Fire Gather Heaped Inside Melted Midst Soft Thereof Wrath