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22:1-16 The prophet is to judge the bloody city; the city of bloods. Jerusalem is so called, because of her crimes. The sins which Jerusalem stands charged with, are exceeding sinful. Murder, idolatry, disobedience to parents, oppression and extortion, profanation of the sabbath and holy things, seventh commandment sins, lewdness and adultery. Unmindfulness of God was at the bottom of all this wickedness. Sinners provoke God because they forget him. Jerusalem has filled the measure of her sins. Those who give up themselves to be ruled by their lusts, will justly be given up to be portioned by them. Those who resolve to be their own masters, let them expect no other happiness than their own hands can furnish; and a miserable portion it will prove.

Accept Blood Bribes Declares Excessive Extortion Force Forgotten Gain Gained Gifts Goods Great Greedily Increase Injured Interest Kept Mind Neighbors Neighbours Oppression Price Profits Rewards Shed Sovereign Unjust Usury

Accept Blood Bribes Declares Excessive Extortion Force Forgotten Gain Gained Gifts Goods Great Greedily Increase Injured Interest Kept Mind Neighbors Neighbours Oppression Price Profits Rewards Shed Sovereign Unjust Usury