Adornment Age Arrived Attained Attainedst Bare Beautiful Beauty Breasts Bud Buds Camest Cause Caused Clothing Comest Developed Excellent Fashioned Field Fine Formed Full Fulness Grew Grow Groweth Grown Grows Growth Hair Hast Increase Increased Jewels Love Maidenhood Multiplied Multiply Myriad Naked Numerous Ornament Ornaments Plant Plants Reached Shoot Tall Uncovered Wast Wax Waxen Whereas Yet

16:7 Thou art come - Thou wast adorned with the choicest blessings of Divine Providence. Thy breasts - Grown up and fashioned under God's own hand in order to be solemnly affianced to God.

16:1-58 In this chapter God's dealings with the Jewish nation, and their conduct towards him, are described, and their punishment through the surrounding nations, even those they most trusted in. This is done under the parable of an exposed infant rescued from death, educated, espoused, and richly provided for, but afterwards guilty of the most abandoned conduct, and punished for it; yet at last received into favour, and ashamed of her base conduct. We are not to judge of these expressions by modern ideas, but by those of the times and places in which they were used, where many of them would not sound as they do to us. The design was to raise hatred to idolatry, and such a parable was well suited for that purpose.

Age Arrived Attained Bare Beauty Breasts Bud Camest Cause Caused Developed Excellent Fashioned Field Full Great Grew Grow Grown Grows Growth Hair Increase Increased Jewels Multiply Naked Numerous Ornament Ornaments Plant Plants Reached Tall Wast Waxen Whereas

Age Arrived Attained Bare Beauty Breasts Bud Camest Cause Caused Developed Excellent Fashioned Field Full Great Grew Grow Grown Grows Growth Hair Increase Increased Jewels Multiply Naked Numerous Ornament Ornaments Plant Plants Reached Tall Wast Waxen Whereas