Affirmation Anymore Ashamed Atonement Confounded Confusion Declares Forgive Forgiven Forgiveness Hast Humiliation Loss Mayest Memory Mouth Open Opening Pacified Receiving Remember Says Shame Sovereign Towards

16:63 That thou mayest remember, and be {p} confounded, and never open thy mouth any more because of thy shame, when I am pacified toward thee for all that thou hast done, saith the Lord GOD.

(p) This declares what fruits God's mercies work in his, that is, sorrow and repentance for their former life.

16:63 Open thy mouth - Neither to justify thyself, or to condemn others, or to quarrel with thy God. Because of thy shame - Such a confusion for thy sin will cover thee. Indeed the more we feel of God's love, the more ashamed we are that ever we offended him. And the more our shame for sin is increased, the more will our comfort in God be increased also.

16:59-63 After a full warning of judgments, mercy is remembered, mercy is reserved. These closing verses are a precious promise, in part fulfilled at the return of the penitent and reformed Jews out of Babylon, but to have fuller accomplishment in gospel times. The Divine mercy should be powerful to melt our hearts into godly sorrow for sin. Nor will God ever leave the sinner to perish, who is humbled for his sins, and comes to trust in His mercy and grace through Jesus Christ; but will keep him by his power, through faith unto salvation.

Anymore Ashamed Confounded Confusion Declares Forgive Forgiven Forgiveness Humiliation Loss Mayest Memory Mouth Open Opening Pacified Remember Shame Towards

Anymore Ashamed Confounded Confusion Declares Forgive Forgiven Forgiveness Humiliation Loss Mayest Memory Mouth Open Opening Pacified Remember Shame Towards