Agreement Break Breaking Broken Covenant Deal Dealt Deserve Despised Hast Oath Putting Says Sovereign Thus Yea

16:59 For thus saith the Lord GOD; I will even deal with thee as thou hast done, who hast despised the {l} oath in breaking the covenant.

(l) When you broke the covenant which was made between you and me, as in Eze 16:8.

16:59 In breaking the covenant - So will I break my covenant with thee.

16:59-63 After a full warning of judgments, mercy is remembered, mercy is reserved. These closing verses are a precious promise, in part fulfilled at the return of the penitent and reformed Jews out of Babylon, but to have fuller accomplishment in gospel times. The Divine mercy should be powerful to melt our hearts into godly sorrow for sin. Nor will God ever leave the sinner to perish, who is humbled for his sins, and comes to trust in His mercy and grace through Jesus Christ; but will keep him by his power, through faith unto salvation.

Agreement Break Breaking Broken Covenant Deal Dealt Deserve Despised Oath Putting Side Sovereign

Agreement Break Breaking Broken Covenant Deal Dealt Deserve Despised Oath Putting Side Sovereign